One Dead, Two Injured After Capitol Shooting

At 5:15 Eastern Standard Time, a shooting occurred at the Capitol building located in Washington D.C. Following a routine traffic stop by the Capitol Police, the unidentified suspect flashed a weapon and refused to stop for the officers. The suspect then fled the traffic stop, leading the police on a chase through the city. According to police spokeswoman Kate James, the gunman exited the vehicle at the 100 Block of Massachusetts Avenue. With weapon in hand, the suspect opened fire on the pursuing authorities, leaving two police officers with only minor injuries. Authorities then returned fire and the gunman was subdued.

After the violence, the two officers and the suspect were rushed to Washington Hospital Center where the gunman was pronounced dead. The shooter has yet to be identified along with the two Capitol Police officers. As of now, the shooting is currently under investigation and authorities believe that there is no relation to the Sotomayor hearings or the Obama administration. 

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